Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Back to School

It's that time once again, one that kids fear and parents rejoice, those three dreaded words: back to school! Although it tends to mean the end of summer for some people, including teachers and students, it also means another year has passed and it's time to get on with some higher learning.

The beginning of the new school year is actually exciting for many, because it means meeting up with friends, new experiences and another step towards graduation or whatever goal may have been set. Either way, it's a good time to know where you can find all sorts of online resources, from back to school tips, to museums, libraries and even services to help out with homework!

Visit our Back to School Guide

Filed in:

Cleveland Link Directory

We are in the process of rebuilding our Cleveland Link Directory.

We have literally hundreds of old links to sort through, but we welcome link submissions. If you have a favorite Cleveland link, or you are a Webmaster of a site related to Northeastern Ohio, please feel free to send them to us. Make sure that you mention that this is for the Cleveland Cafe.

I'd also love any links related to the Cleveland music scene. If you have concert reviews, photos, etc. We'd love to hear about it.

It's Time for a Change

The Cleveland Cafe is finally getting a much needed total re-design. We will be updating all the old link pages, and adding a lot of new stuff. Please be patient during the process and feel free to make any comments or suggestions below.