Monday, November 28, 2005

Cleveland Ferret Shelter

Ferret Toys, originally uploaded by Edge of Dementia.

Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter in Cleveland, Ohio is selling these cute little Japanese Ferret Charms as part of a building fundraiser.

Shelter director, Jean Caputo-Lee has been operating the only ferret shelter in our area, out of her home since 1993. With the help of some generous individuals, they are in the process of securing a public building for the shelter.

Unfortunately, health code restrictions require the replacement of all the current ferret cages, so they are having a building fund drive in order to raise the money to purchase 75 new cages and 12 playpens for the ferrets.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Snowy Beach

Snowy Beach
Originally uploaded by Edge of Dementia.

We had our first snow of the season yesterday, so I ran out back with the camera, to capture the snow at the beach. This looks so unspoiled, like an old picture from when I was a child.