Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Resolve to Exercise

Many of us try to start the New Year out on the right foot by making resolutions to eat better, exercise more, be nicer to people, volunteer more, get out of debt, etc.

I know that resolutions can be a recipe for failure because many of us break those resolutions as fast as we make them. Perhaps it might be easier to just think of the New Year as a fresh start, and use this as an excuse to make a few simple changes to improve your life. One simple change might be to try to exercise more. It doesn't have to be calisthenics, you can just make an effort to move a little more.

January is not the easiest month to start a fitness program in Cleveland, but fortunately, this winter has been very mild. Just getting out and walking is a great way to improve your fitness level.

The Zoo is a wonderful place to go walking and it’s a completely different environment in the winter. If you live close enough, take advantage of a Zoo membership and you can go there all the time. It’s much more fun than walking the neighborhood, and if you take your camera you might get some really fantastic shots at the same time.

The many areas of the Cleveland Metroparks are also terrific places to go walking or biking. The reservations have paved trails that wind through the trees and you’ll never run out of interesting things to see. The nice thing about heading to the parks in the winter is the lack of mosquitoes.

If you’re not a big fan of the all outdoors, check out the YMCA. They offer much more than just a swimming pool. They have treadmills and other exercise equipment, fitness classes, team sports and more. The Y is very reasonable, even for the entire family.

What are your favorite places to exercise in the winter? I’d love to hear them.

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